Este Sábado 18 no Centro de Cultura Libertária em Cacilhas
isabel valverde
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© Maria José Criado Antúnez/Casa de las Artes Alanís; photos: left - Giorgio Sacher, up-right - Liz Solo, down-right - Kikas Babenko |
You enjoy dancing with robots and observing their mating habits. You do not believe that synthetic donuts are viable for use in aviation.
Bio (ENG)
Isabel Valverde is a trans-disciplinary performer, choreographer and researcher from Portugal. Develops experimental solo and collaborative intermedia performance art-dance work since 1986. Graduated in Dance History and Theory (UCR, 2004), Interdisciplinary Arts (IAC/SFSU), New Dance (SNDD/AHK) and Dance (FMH/UTL). Isabel’s doctoral thesis, Interfacing Dance and Technology: a theoretical framework for performance in the digital domain, has been translated to Portuguese and published by FCG/FCT (2010). After postdoctoral research on Dances and Technologies Valverde continues somatic and technological based performance within hybrid embodied interactions and the continuum of actualization and virtualization, at the CAT/IHSIS, Centre for Arts and Technologies/Institute for Human Studies and Intelligent Sciences, and VIMMI/INESC-ID (Visualization and Intelligent MultiModal Interfaces Group). Presently associate researcher at GAIPS/INESC-ID (Intelligent Agents and Synthetic Characters’ Group) and researcher at CIAC-UAberta, continues cross-disciplinary artistic practice-theory collaborations on mixed corporealities performative environments and cultures, including virtual and physical characters (avatars and robot NAO). Senses Places (w/ Todd Cochrane teal.), Blind Date and Touch Terrain (w/ Yiannis Melanitis). Organizes the Festival Danças Híbridas and the Posthuman Corporealities - Network Festival Symposium. Lectured at ESTAL, Escola Superior de Tecnologias e Artes de Lisboa, Lusófona University, Piaget Institute, and facilitates workshops on somatics-technological dances.
Developing experimental solo and collaborative performance work since 1986, Isabel performed in Portugal, Amsterdam, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Paris. Since 2002 she develops My Fado Dance: What Portugueseness?, a work-in-process transcultural solo using Portuguese Fado music, and video interaction. Towards the familiarization with new embodiments and human interactions as well as, in the continuum of actualization and virtualization, Isabel has been collaborating in participatory responsive and interactive environment projects, such as Blind Date, a participatory multimodal environment, with Y. Melanitis (Monaco Dance Forum 2002, 2006), IN TOUCH, a mixed reality performance based on costumed designed wearable touch sensor, with V. Zordan, K. Chi, V. Sundar, P. Chagas, (prototype performed at Siggraph 2005 - Cyberfashion Show, Los Angeles). More recently working collaboratively in works, such asTouch Terrain, with Melanitis (MDF, 2006), BlobDance with A. Moura (2006-), and Real Virtual Games with Todd Cochrane, A. Caramelo, Ru•mor• and others (with DGA Support 2008/09).
Bio (PT)
Isabel Valverde é performer, coreógrafa, e investigadora interdisciplinar, doutorada em História e Teoria da Dança pela Universidade da Califórnia, Riverside. Desenvolve a sua criação artística híbrida desde 1986, em solos e colaborações performativas interdisciplinares para o palco, site specific, ambientes interactivos multimodais telemáticos e em rede, vídeo e Internet. Coreográfa inicialmente em transversabilidade com materiais plásticos (tinta, som, areia) e, mais recentemente, com as possibilidades de interacção/interactividade analógico-digital corporalizada pelo movimento e toque híbrido na sua trans-substanciação noutros corpos e média. Desenvolve pós-doutoramento em dança-tecnologia como bolseira da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, membro do Instituto para as Humanidades e Ciencias Inteligentes, associada ao Grupo de Visualização e Interfaces Multimodais Inteligentes/IST/UTL, e FCSH/UNL. Destaca como projectos, After the White Shower (1986), Baixo (com Cees Walburg Scmidt, 1990), Tomar Corpo (1993), Desígnios do Corpo (1996), Blind Date (com Y. Melanitis, 2002), Fado Dança (2003-present), Blob Dança (com Araújo, J.Costa, A. Moura, 2006-2009), Reais Jogos Virtuais (2006-2010), Weathering In and Senses Places (2011-present) com T. Cochrane, A. Moura, Y. Yoshida, J. Makime, Y. Sagara, K. Ishimoto, L. Solo, K. Babenko, S. Oh, S, Shilova, C. Gomes, P. Fernandes, N. Rothwell, Artica, and S. Cabral.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 49, 2801-299 Almada, Portugal
2001- 04 Ph.D. Dance History and Theory, emphasis on Dance and Technology, UC Riverside / Department of Dance, Dissertation title: “Interfacing Dance and Technology: a theoretical framework for performance in the digital domain”
1999-01 Ph.D. Student, Contemporary Performance and Culture, UC Davis / Drama Department
1996-98 M.A. Creative Arts: Interdisciplinary Arts, San Francisco State University / Inter Arts Center, Thesis title: “Challenging Body Perceptions: ‘new’ dance resisting and towards applications of ‘new’ technologies”
1988-91 Diploma New Dance, School for New Dance Development, Amsterdam College for the Arts, Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor deKunsten
1986-91 Licenciatura (Undergraduate degree) Dance, Dance Department, Lisbon Technical University
2006- Post-doctoral Fellowship, F.C.T./E.U., M.C.E.S., at Institute of Humane Studies and Intelligent Sciences; VIMMI/INESC-ID; and DCCATI/UNL, Portugal
2005-06 Post-doctoral Fellowship, F.C.T./E.U., Ministry of Science & Graduate Education, Portugal, at U.C. Irvine/Dept. of Dance/A.C.E., USA; Nottingham Trent University/Dept. of Art & Design: Performance/Live Art, UK; and Université de Paris VIII / Dept. de Dance, France
2003-04 Gluck Fellowship, “Dancing with Technologies,” UC Riverside, USA
2003-04 Dissertation Fellowship Award, UC Riverside, USA
2003-04 Phi Beta Kappa International Scholarship Award, UC Irvine, USA
2002-03 Humanities Graduate Student Research Grant, UC Riverside, USA
1999-03 PRAXIS XXI Program, F.C.T., Ministry of Science & Technology, Portugal
1997-99 Dance Studies Fellowship, Ministry of Culture, Portugal
1996-98 Fulbright/I.I.E. Program, Institute of International Education, Fulbright Commission
1992-93 Artistic Production Grant, Ministry of Culture, Portugal
1988-90 E.R.A.S.M.U.S., European Inter-University Exchange Program, EEC
2010 Interfaces Dança-Tecnologia: um quadro teórico para a performance no domínio digital, portuguese translation of Interfacing Dance and Technology: A Theoretical Framework for Performance in the Digital Domain, doctoral dissertation published by the University Texts Edition of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation / Foundation for Science and Technology, February, Lisbon, Portugal
2009 «Weathering In/Com Tempo: an intervention towards embodying multimodal self- organizing environments», co-authored with Todd Cochrane, in SLACTIONS International Conference Proceedings, Braga Chapter and Second Life, Univ. do Minho, pp. 60-65.
2008 «Generating virtual environments for playful touch interactions: TOUCH TERRAIN», ISEA Conference Proceedings; Singapure
2007 “Touch Terrain: A Participatory Kinesthetic / Synesthetic Environment,” poster´s abstract, in Proceedings of 4th Annual Intuition Conference and Workshop of Virtual Reality and Interactive Environments, Athens, Greece
2005 “Interfacing Dance and Technologies: towards a posthuman corporeality”, Proceedings of 28th Annual Conference of Society of Dance History Scholars, Northwestern Univ. Illinois, USA
2005 “Catching the Ghosts in Ghostcatching: Choreographing Gender and Race in Riverbed/Bill T. Jones' Virtual Dance,” in Extensions: the on-line journal of embodied technologies, V2
2004 “Blind Date: developing a multisensorial interfacing experience,” in Body, Space, and Technology Journal,Volume 4, online journal,
2002 “Dance and Technology Interfaces: a theoretical framework for contemporary dance's engagement with information technologies,” Proceedings of Cosign 2002 - The 2nd International Conference on Computational Semiotics for Games and New Media, Augsburg, Germany
2001 “Embodied Shifts: Towards an Experiential Approach to Dance-Technology Interfaces,” with L. Naugle and F. Bevilacqua, Proceedings of the Multimedia Technology Applications Conference, UC Irvine, California, USA
1999 “Challenging Body Perceptions: ‘New’ Dance Resisting and Towards Applications of ‘New’ Technologies,” Proceedings of the International Dance and Technology Conference IDAT, Arizona State Univ., Tempe, Arizona, USA
2009 Fado Mudo, w/ João Lima (portuguese guitar), AcercadaNoite Bar, Almada, PT,
2008 Real Virtual Games, Performance and Game Environment, w/ A. Caramelo, rumor, J. Gonçalves, I. Negrão, N. Valverde, et al., Festival Temps D'Images, LxFactory, Lisboa;
2007 Live-virtual reality work-in-progress performance, w/ J.Gonçalves, A. Caramelo, H. Figueiredo, I. Negrão, andothers, in Tedance residency at Teatro Aveirense, Aveiro;
2007- BlobDança multimodal performance interaction, w/ A. Moura, J. Gonçalves, et al.,
2006 Touch Terrain performative interactive environment, w/ Yiannis Melanitis and Tania Barr, Monaco Dance Forum, pp presentation, December, Monte Carlo, Monaco
2005 In Progress Performance w/ Stephan Jurgens and António Caramelo,TeDance in Ciclo Artistas em Trânsito-Divisão Central, MNHN/Sala do Veado, Lisboa
2005 IN TOUCH, Prototype phase 1: interactive performance costuming with touch-based wearables, project initiator and mediator, interdisciplinary choreographic concept and methodology, with V. Zordan (VR & character animation programming), K. Chi (fashion designer), V. Sundar (sensor networks), P. Chagas and C. Esteves (digital music, max/MSP), T. Carter and Gabriel (augmented contact dance performance) SIGGRAPH 2005 - CyberFashion Show, LA Convention Center
2003-04 Contact Improvisation Performances, Monthly Art Walks, Riverside Art Museum, People’s Gallery
2002-2004 Blind Date, multi-user interactive environment, with Yiannis Melanitis, Monaco Dance Forum, Monte Carlo
2000-02 Dancing in the Active Space, responsive installation, with L. Naugle, F. Bevilacqua, J. Crawford, and A. BonvinBevilacqua, UCR/Museum of Photography, Riverside
2001 Mediated Contact, with Stuart Phillips, Artists’ Television Access, San Francisco
1999 Tailor Made, with Margaret Tedesco and David, Theater Artaud, San Francisco
1991 Uerieriou, with Cees W. Schmidt, Final Ineke Sluiter Contest, Amsterdam
Baixo, with Cees W. Schmidt, Theater De Liefde, Amsterdam
1990 A Body Concert with Hanna Barbara and Gallio Group, Danslab Theatre, Amsterdam
1989 Time & Space (4 choreog./5 visual artists), Free Academy of Visual Arts, Den Haag
Kennismaking, with Marga Maria, Silos Festival, Amsterdam
Different Colors, with Matthias Schulze, Theater De Liefde, Amsterdam
1988 Green Travel, with Matthias Schulze, Lunch Performance, SNDD, Amsterdam
2006- O Meu Fado: Que Portuguesidade?(work-in-progress), Maratona de Dança, Dia Mundial da Dança/BalletTeatro, Porto; Divisão Central - Ciclo Artistas em Trânsito, MNHN/Sala do Veado, Lisboa; (2007) Dança fora de Horas - Teatro Aveirense
2005 Ma Danse Fado (work-in-progress), Endosonado/Chantiers en Cours, Paris
2003-05 My Fado Dance: What Portugueseness? (work-in-progress), CMP/UC Riverside, Max10, and Caught Between Live/Video Dance Festival, Los Angeles
1997/98 Imagine You Later (duet), Artists’ Television Access; Venue 9 Theater, San Francisco
1995-96 Desígnios do Corpo, Dancer's Group Studio Theatre, Studio Valencia, San Francisco; Theater De Liefde, Amsterdam, Mostra Coreográfica ; Almada; Estrela 60 Theatre, Lisbon
1994-95 Tomar Corpo, São Luis Theater, Lisboa; Fontelo Garden, Viseu; ACARTE/ Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon
1993-95 Estados Transitórios (trio), Fontelo Garden, Viseu; Gandarinha Chappell, Cascais; Monumental Gallery, Natural History Museum, Lisbon; II Laboratory, Malaposta
1993 Escalada (20 participants), Praça da Figueira, Lisbon
Cada Um Para Seu Lado (quintet), Maria Matos Theater, Lisbon
Monólogo, Portuguese Video Dance Show, Lisbon Videoteca
1992 Fundamental Texto, VI Bienal Internacional de Arte de V. N. Cerveira
1990 A Movement Notation, School for New Dance Development, Amsterdam
1988 Pigmentos, II Meetings of Performance Art, Amadora
1986-88 Nihilominus, Monumental Gallery, Night Club, Lisbon; Beach, Costa da Caparica
1986 Depois do Duche Branco/After the White Shower, V Bienal Int. Arte, V.N.Cerveira
Sept. 2009 «Weathering In/Com Tempo: an intervention towards embodying multimodal self- organizing environments», SLACTIONS International Conference, Braga Chapter and Second Life, Univ. do Minho, Portugal
June 2009 «Performing in between Embodied Modes of Experience: Real Virtual Games project in hybrid site-specific physical and Metaverse bodies and environments», in Dancing in Second Life Round Table, SDHS 32nd Annual Conference: Topographies: sites, bodies, technologies, organizer and presenter, Stanford University, CA, USA
2009 Real Virtual Games Project: International Conference on Education in Second Life, Witheria, New Zealand
2009 Guest Speaker in Panel Comunicação, I.D. e os Novos Media, in Conferência ComunicarDesign 09, E.S.A.D., Portugal
July 2008 «Generating virtual environments for playful touch interactions: TOUCH TERRAIN», in ISEA/International Symposium for Electronic Art Conference Proceedings, Singapure
Nov. 2007 “Critical Intermedia Performance: practicing inclusive posthuman in Real Virtual Games' collaborative project “, Tedance Conference, Culturgest, Lisboa, Portugal
Oct. 2007 “Touch Terrain: A Participatory Kinesthetic / Synesthetic Environment,” Intuition- 4h Annual Conference on Virtual Reality and Interactive Environments, Athens, Greece
Sept. 2007 “Interfaces Corpo-Máquina,” invited presenter, Fronte[i]ras Festival and Symposium, Pontevedra, Galiza
July 2006 “Political issues of funding contemporary hybrid, nomadic, transnational and cross cultural performative practices", Roundtable, at SDHS Annual Conference of the Society of Dance History Scholars, proponent and presenter, Banff, Canada
May 2006 Guest Speaker in Panel Comunicação, I.D. e os Novos Media, Conferência ComunicarDesign 06, E.S.A.D., Portugal
April 2006 Presentation on Blind Date in the Garden, TECHNE 06, International Istanbul Digital Performance Platform Istanbul, Turkey
Speaker in Working Group: ”Designing Perception”, I.E.T.M. – International European Theatre Meeting, ITU-Taşkışla, Istanbul, Turkey
“Cyborgs and Posthumans: Contributions by Contemporary Dance and Medical Technologies” The Anatomical Theatre Revisited, U. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dec 2005 “Re-Tropping the Interface: towards alternative discourses about performance in the digital domain” Digital Cultures Lab & Radiator Symposium of Performance, Dance and Technologies Art, Nottingham Trent University, UK
June 2005 “Interfacing Dance and Technologies: towards a posthuman corporeality” Annual Conference of the Society of Dance History Scholars, SDHS, Northwest University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
April 2005 “Towards a Posthuman Corporeal Subjectivity: Interfacing Dance and Technology in CO3 by Company in Space,” Theory/Reloaded – Disjunctions 2005, UCR’s Twelfth Annual Humanities Conference, Riverside, CA, USA
August 2004 “Revolutionizing the HCI: Multimodal and Participatory Dance / Performance Applications of Emerging Technologies,” SIGGRAPH 2004 / Computer Graphic and Interactive Technologies Conference, Birds-of-a-feather: OZONE – Art, a-Life, Archeology, and Animation; and “Dance-Technology Research Update” Educators’ Program: The Computer Arts: Origins and Contexts, LA Convention Center, USA
June 2004 “Blind Date: An Intimate Multi-User Participatory Environment,” Community Performance Conference, Bryant College, Rhode Island, USA
July 2003 “Dance and Technology Research Overview,” SIGGRAPH 2003 / Computer Graphic and Interactive Technologies Conference – Birds-of-a-Feather: Digital Arts Histories, San Diego, USA
September 2002 “Dance and Technology Interfaces: A Theoretical Framework for Contemporary Dance’s Engagement with Information Technologies,” Cosign 2002 - The 2nd Int. Conf. on Computational Semiotics for Games and New Media, Augsburg, Germany
July 2002 “Choreographing Virtualities: Riverbed/Bill T, Jones’s Ghostcatching, and Sponge / Foam’s TGarden,” Technotopias Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
March 2002 “Embodying the Virtual through Dance-Technology Interfaces: Riverbed / Bill T. Jones’s Ghostcatching,” Dance Under Construction IV, UC Riverside, CA, USA
October 2001 “Embodied Shifts: Towards an Experiential Approach to Dance-Technology Interfaces,” with L. Naugle and F. Bevilacqua, MTAC, UC Irvine, CA, USA
March 2001 “Performing the Shift: Getting Disoriented,” Dance Under Construction III, UC Davis, CA, USA
March 2000 “Perceiving a New Embodiment: Interactions between Dance, Communicative and Medical Computer Technologies,” Dance Under Construction II, UC Riverside, CA
February 99 “Challenging Body Perceptions: ‘New’ Dance Resisting and Toward Applications of ‘New’ Technologies,” IDAT99, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA
Video Dance Work
August 2009 «Of Human and Blob Body Fragments»
August 2008 «BlobHumans», SDHS' Dance Screening Program: Dance and Technology Performances, Stanford
Sept. 2007 “Blob Draw”, videodance, presented at Frame Festival Internacional de Video Dança,
Blind Date
June 2007 video documentation of Blind Date participatory environment, presented at Metamapa, Aveiro, Portugal
2004 1 minute Video Festival, UCR/California Museu of Photography, Riverside, CA
Imagine You Later
2000 Festival de Video Danza, Italy - video version of performance technology project of the same title
Fall07- ULHT / DCCATI: Mestrado em Produção e Criação em Artes Tecnológicas
Lecturer, Human-Computer Interaction
Fall06/Winter07ILD / Escola Superior de Tecnologias e Artes de Lisboa: Lic. Artes Performativas
Lecturer, Contemporary Movement
Jan.-March 06 Université de Paris VIII / Department de Danse
Co-lecturer of History and Aesthetics of Dance and New Media, w/ Armando Menicacci and Emmanuel Quinz
Dec.04-Jul.05 Dance Home, Santa Monica, L.A. Facilitator, Contact Improvisation Class & Jam,
Feb. 04 UC Irvine / Department of Dance, CA, Guest lecturer, Dance-Technologies
Nov. 03 Sherman High School, Riverside, CA, Guest lecturer and workshop facilitator, Dance-Technologies
2002-2003 UC Riverside / Department of Dance,
Spring 02/03 Instructor, DNCE 005 Introduction to Dance
1999-2001 UC Davis / Department of Theatre and Dance,
W-Sp00/Sp 01 Instructor, DRA 040 Beginning Dance Technique
Fall 00 Instructor, DRA 014 Introduction to Contemporary Dance
Fall 99 Teacher Assistant, DRA 001 Performance and Culture
1997-1998 San Francisco State University / Inter-Arts Center
Fall 97/Sp 98 Teacher Assistant, IAC 001 Inter-Arts: Theory and Practice
Spring 97 Teacher Artist, Dance Composition and Performance Course, Dance Dept.
1992-96 Escolas Públicas Primárias e Secundárias, Instructor, Physical Education and Dance,
Spring 96 Casa da Juventude de Almada, Facilitator, Dance Improvisation and Performance Workshop,
Sept.92-Jan.93 Companhia de Dança de Lisboa, Instructor, New Dance Technique,
Sept. 92 Lisbon Technical University/Dance Dept., Facilitator, Dance Improvisation Workshop,
March 2006- Co-founder, organizer and facilitator of CILxJam - Contacto Improvisação LX Jam, with the support of Forum Dança, FC Gulbenkian (Garden), and SOU/Movimento e Arte, Fábrica do Braço de Prata, Lisbon
2005-06 Consultant Mocap Animation, TeDance -Technological Expanded Dance, Lisbon
Fall 2005 Associate Coordinator, Observer, Digital Cultures Lab & Radiator Symposium for Performance Dance and Technologies Art, Nottingham Trent Univ., UK
July 2005 Practical Researcher, Observer, Interactionslabor, Goetelborn, Germany
2004-06 Curatorial Committee member, Dance-Tech Consultant, Dance Camera West – Los Angeles Dance Film Festival, USA
Sept. 2002 Contributor, Wear Me! Network Exchange, Future Physical, Norwich, UK
Spring 2002 Performer and web camera, ADAPT#6 , with L. Naugle, UC Irvine, USA
August 2001 Observer, SWIPT – Summer Workshop of Interactive Performance Telematics, ASU, USA
2001-03 Conference Committee member, Dance Under Construction Conference, UCD-UCR, USA
1998-01 Founder/Curator/Producer, bi-monthly Evenings of Live-Video Dance;
Web Site developer; Computer Instructor, Mac Basics, Artists’ Television Access, S.F., USA
1998-99 Web Site developer, San Francisco Dancenet; Inter-Arts Center/SFSU, S.F., USA
1997-98 Production Internship: Publicity and Audio-Visuals, Venue 9 Theatre, S.F., USA
1997 Assistant Curator, Front House, Dancers’ Group Studio Theatre, S.F., USA
Production Internship: House Manager, The LAB/Inter-Arts Gallery, S.F., USA
2007 Member of Vipulamati (Ample Intelligence)- Non Profit Association for the creative use of Media
2006 Member of VIMMI – Visual and Intelligent Multi Modal Interfaces Group, INESC-ID/IST/DEI,
2005 Member of SDHS - Society of Dance History Scholars
2005 Co-Founder of IHSIS – Institute for Humane Studies and Intelligent Sciences / Center for Arts and Technologies
2003 Member of Dance Camera West – Los Angeles Dance Film Festival
2003 Member of New York´s Dance for Camera Festival
1995 Co-Founder of NUDA – Núcleo de Dança de Almada
1992 Co-Founder of Divisão Central – Centro Pluridisciplinar para o Desenvolvimento da Expressão na Arte,
Operating Systems - Mac OS X (Tiger), and PC (Windows) XP and lower
Text/Image Processing - Microsoft Word/Excel, Adobe Photoshop, PowerPoint/Keynote, QuarkXPress,
Video Editing - Adobe Premiere, Macromedia Media 100, Final Cut Pro CS
Motion Capture - System Vicon 8
Character Animation - 3D Studio Max’s Character Studio, LifeForms, Poser, Motion Builder
HTML/Web design/authoring - Page Spinner, Dream Weaver, Go Live, Google Sketch up
Sensor and mapping network systems - Max/MSP, Soft VNS, Bodysynth
Other Applications - After Effects, Macromedia Director, Flash, Maya, sysm, ivisit,
Simone Forti, Mary Fulkerson, Mary Overlie, Yochico Chuma, Cathy Weis, Tony Thatcher, Karen Bernardt, Barbara Erichsen, Margaret Tedesco, Ana Galan, Carlos Gordilho, Teri Carter, Stefan Fabry/Rudy Perez
Contemporary Dance: Jaap Flier, Ria Higler, Laurie Booth, Pauline de Groot, David Zambrano, Eileen Stanley, Kay Islar, Howard Sonenklar, Stephen Petronio, Celia Gouveia, Susan Rose
Improvisation: Simone Forti, Mary Overlie, Lisa Kraus, Malcom Goldstein, Barbara Ericksen, Sondra Loring, Ria Higler, Madalena Vitorino
Composition/Choreography: Susan Rethorst, Mary Fulkerson, Yochico Chuma, Karen Bernardt
Contact Improvisation: Kristie Simson, Natanja den Boef, K.J. Holmes, John Dowel, Carolyn Stuart, John Lefan, Kirk Andrews, Mary Herzog, Teri Carter, and others
Body-Mind Centering: Trude Cone, Howard Sonenklar
Alexander Technique: Eva Karczag
Release/Alignment Technique: Mary Fulkerson, John Rolland
Theater: Jenn Ben Yacov, Barbara Ericksen;
Action Theater: Sten Rudstorm
Hands-On: Naomi Duven, Howard Sonenklar
Cunningham Technique: Paula Massano, Margarida Bettencourt
Graham Technique: Karen Bell Karner, Helena Coelho
Limon Technique: João Afonso, Helena Coelho
Modern Jazz: Helena Coelho, Ana Macara
Tap Dance: Michel, Fred Striker
Ballet: Ruth Silk, Luisa Carles, Anna Mascolo, Helena Coelho, Igor
Video: Mark Tompkins, Nol Tilanus
Light: Dennis Gillander
Motion Capture: Lisa Naugle
Iyengar Yoga: Jacqueline Shea Murphy
Tai Chi: Seth Leon
Mother Language: Portuguese
Proficient in English and French
Reads and understands Spanish and Italian