Weathering In / Com Tempo at paper and presentation on SLACTIONS Conference, Braga & Second Life
photos from inWorld Chapter of SLACTIONS Conference at:
«Weathering In / Com Tempo: an intervention towards embodied multi-modal self-organizing environments»
Paper presentation by I. Valverde and T. Cochrane
Setembro 24 & 25 SLACTIONS Research Conference in the Second Life (R) World
Here is a blogpost of SLenz, Second Life Education in New Zealand, by John Waugh about the presentation:
Real Virtual Games and Weathering In/Com Tempo in Second Life®
Video by Todd Cochrane
Showing some aspects of the 2 related projects, Real Virtual Games/Reais Jogos Virtuais and Weathering In/Com Tempo. These aspects include the construction of virtual spaces and virtual elements (smoke, wind, sound, water) with built interactive responsivity to the avatars proximity or touch, choreographed animation based on motion capture available to avatar participants, the video broadcast in Second Life® and video-avatar embodied interfacing.
Of Human and Blob Body Fragments
this is the new videodance production of © blobdance project
published in youtube and blogspot
thanks to: Ana Moura, special guest editor, António Fortes, Rafaela Macedo, Araújo, VIMMI - Visualization and Intelligent Multimodal Interfaces Group/INESC-ID, IST, UTL, and Jorge Gonçalves.
esta é a nova produção de videodança do © blobdance project
publicada no youtube e blogspot
agradecimentos: Ana Moura, António Fortes, Rafaela Macedo, Bruno Araújo, VIMMI - Grupo de Visualização e Interfaces Multimodais Inteligentes, INESC-ID, IST, UTL, e Jorge Gonçalves.
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